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CellCore Biosciences is one of Dr. Henningsen's top choices in detox supplements. This product line is effective, fast, and condenses the amount of products needed to see results.
CellCore has developed "a clear treatment protocol designed to systematically tackle the various iterations of chronic illness".
This protocol is all about the proper order of healing: opening up drainage, supporting immune system, and detoxification. This protocol has been seen to be effective and efficient.
CellCore follows a 5 Phase Roadmap to Health (seen below) that has correlating products for each phase. This roadmap restores proper organ function and helps the body rid itself of toxins the proper way.
The proper detoxifcation method follows the body's "drainage funnel". This opens detoxification pathways in the following order: cells, organs and tissues, lymphatic system, liver and bile ducts, and colon.
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